martes, 1 de enero de 2013


En construcción...

Pilot and other books:

* Reeds Nautical Almanac. Adlard Coles Nautical.

* Brian Navin, Cruising Guide to Germany and Denmark. Imray.

* Barry Sheffiled, Inland Waterways of Germany. Imray.

* Brian Navin, Cruising Guide to the Netherlands. Imray.

* Tom Cunliffe, The Shell Channel Pilot. Imray.

* ANWB Wateralmanak 1 (waterway regulations in The Netherlands, legally required on board)

* ANWB Wateralmanak 2 (practical information linked to every spot in order of appearance in the waterway)

* UK HydrographicOffice, Symbols and abbreviations used on Admiralty paper charts.

* RYA, European waterway regulations, the CEVNI Rules explained.

* Jimmy Cornell, World Cruising Routes. Adlard Coles Nautical.


Bohuslän-Swedish West Coast
* Sjöfartsverket Båtsportkort "Västkusten södra (Måseskär - Varberg)". Scale 1:50:000, 1:25.000, 1:10.000.
* Sjöfartsverket Båtsportkort "Västkusten norra (Svinesund - Måseskär)". Scale 1:50:000, 1:25.000, 1:10.000.

Kattegat-Store Baelt-Kieler Bught

Kiel Canal - Elbe Estuary

German Bight
* Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hidrographie (BSH). Seekarten no. 87. "Borkum bis Neuwerk und Helgoland". Scale 1:150.000.
* BSH Seekarten no. 84. "Friesland Junction und GW/Ems bis Vlieland und Borkum". Scale 1:150.000.
* BSH Seekarten no. 49. "Mündungen der Jade, Weser und Elbe". Scale 1:100.000.
* Imray Chart C26 "Ijmiuden to Die Elbe". Scale 1:345.000.

The Netherlands
Sea coast
* Netherlands Hydrographic Office chart 1801. "Noordzeekust, de Panne tot Den Helder".  Scale 1:475.000 to 1:20.000.
* Netherlands Hydrographic Office chart 1803. "Westerschelde, Vlissingen tot Antwerpen en Kanaal van Gent naar Terneuzen". Scale 1:475.000 to 1:20.000.
* Netherlands Hydrographic Office chart 1805. "Oosterschelde, Veerse Meer en Grevelingnmeer".  Scale 1:475.000 to 1:20.000.
* Netherlands Hydrographic Office chart 1807. "Zoommeer, Volkerak, Spui, HAringvliet, Hollandsch Diep". Scale 1:475.000 to 1:20.000.
* Netherlands Hydrographic Office chart 1809. "Nieuwe Waterweg, Nieuwe-en Oude Maas, Spui, en Noord, Dordtsche Kil, Brielse Meer". Scale 1:475.000 to 1:20.000.
* Netherlands Hydrographic Office chart 1810. "Ijsselmeer, Randmeren en Noordzeekanaal". Scale 1:475.000 to 1:20.000.
Inland waterways
* ANWB Waterkaarten A: "Groningen&Drenthe"
* ANWB Waterkaarten B: "Friesland"
* ANWB Waterkaart "Nederlan"
* ANWB Wateratlas "Staande Mastroutr"

North Sea - English Channel
* UK Hydrographihc Office Admiralty chart no. 2675. "English Channel". Scale 1:500.000.
* Imray Chart 70. "Southern North Sea Passage Chart". Scale 1:900.000.
* Imray Chart C30. "Harwich to Hoek van Holland and Dover Strait". Scale 1:200.000.
* Imray Chart C12. "Eastern English Channel". Scale 1:300.000.
* Imray Chart C10. "Western English Channel". Scale 1:400.000.

Bay of Biscay
* Imray Chart C18. "Western Approaches to the English Channel and Bay of Biscay". Scale 1:1.000.000.
* UK Hydrographihc Office Admiralty chart no. 3633. "Islas Sisargas to Montedor". Scale 1:200.000.

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